User Preferences

The "Preferences" options allows the user to change the display of the score via a side menu.  Changes are immediate and the results of which are seen on the score without closing the menu.  The changes remain in force throughout the current "session".  That is to say, once the browser, or browser tab, running the app is closed, any changes to the default settings are lost.  Changes may be captured, however, by invoking the "Save" option on the Preference side menu.  The preferences are saved to the browser's "Downloads" folder with file name/type "preferences.snapp".   The user may rename the file to be more descriptive, e.g, by music genre, themes, or individual scores (thus, needing unique file names).  The saved files may also be moved to another folder on the device.   

Subsequently, the "Open" option on the Preferences menu can be invoked to load a previously saved file.  The "Open" dialog allows the user to navigate to wherever the file is located.  

Close the Preferences menu by selecting the "X" at the top.  Descriptions of each preference option follows.

Staff appearance preferences

Note appearance preferences

Guidance on which notehead preferences to choose follows this bullet list.

Click here for guidance on choosing notehead symbols, and

Click here for a description of color-coded chord intervals